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Gameday Breakfast

Gameday breakfast and devotion in the fellowship hall. All SHS student athletes, band, cheer, and coaching staff are welcome!

Fifth Quarter

Fifth quarter in fellowship hall after Sylvania vs. Plainview football game.


Brotherhood monthly meeting in the Fellowship Hall

Bread of Life Ministries

We will be serving at the Bread of Life Ministries in Fort Payne. See Jen Bell for more information or to sign up!

Pastor Appreciation

See Candace Edmonds to sign up to bring something for our church wide fellowship meal in honor of Brother David and Mrs. Dale after the service!

Fall Festival

SBC Fall Festival 10790 Blue Pond Blvd, Sylvania, United States

See Evelyn Subias with questions or to volunteer (Organized by WOM)

Youth Fellowship

Monthly Youth Fellowship in the Fellowship Hall

Gameday Breakfast

Gameday breakfast and devotion in the fellowship hall. All SHS student athletes, band, cheer, and coaching staff are welcome!

Warming Hands and Hearts

We plan to pass out hot chocolate as fans arrive at the Sylvania vs Fyffe football game! More details to come!

WOM Christmas Party

Christmas Party at Mrs. Dale's home! More details to come!